Black Woman Employee Lifecycle

(Wheaton-Greer & Wells, 2024)

In response to the latest headlines of top Black women leaders who have been interpersonally and systemically targeted by racism and sexism, Marissiko Wheaton-Greer, Ph.D. created this infographic in collaboration with friend and colleague, Jenn Wells, EdD to illustrate the common challenging themes that Black women face in the workplace and in academia.

We know too well the cycle of how misogynoir allows organizations to hire us to expand diversity in the workforce, but then predictably protect and uphold hostile work environments that ultimately push us out or silence us. Here is a typical lifecycle of a Black woman employee and the ways we experience the compounding effects of racism and sexism in the workplace.

This infographic received high engagement on LinkedIn. Take a moment to read the many responses shared by people across industries, roles and regions.

Listen to Dr. Wheaton-Greer & Dr. Wells speak more about the infographic on Office Hours: The Black Girl Podcast.

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